My Life’s Path
I’ve always been different. Perhaps I died before I was born. They say labor was induced because they couldn’t get a heartbeat. At 3 I loved to lay my head on my arms by the southern window of our NYC home. I remember drifting out of my body to hold hands in a circle with angels.
I never could understand meanness. I seem always to have played the role of teacher or counselor. At 9, I started contemplating what made people succeed despite seemingly insurmountable odds (Helen Keller) while others crumbled under the slightest pressure. In adolescence, others had posters of boy bands, I had posters of Einstein. By 16 my three closest friends had died of terminal illnesses. I understood that length of life is not guaranteed and that quality of life is a choice.
At 27 a profound Near Death Experience left me essentially nonfunctional for about 3 years. It took 14 years to truly function well again. During this reorganization all my patterns and habits were cleansed, leaving me free of my life’s “story” and allowing me to create a new, richer, fuller life.
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As a mentor/trainer/guide/consultant, I have assisted countless men, women and children reach their potentials. Many changes were simple (stop nail biting) and some very profound. Some were for performance enhancement (tennis, voice over, figure skating, dance, GRE, musical performance). Some were more serious life debilitating issues, such as fear of flying, anxiety attacks, cocaine addiction (when standard treatment had failed), and overcoming other negative habits.
Showing Up to Self
People who know me say I should hang out a sign that says, “Show up, we’ll see what happens.” If you want to stay on the surface, I am not the right person for you, but if you want to go deep and show up to your highest self, I can guide you. Show up. Let’s see what happens!
Goals & Intentions
Your own intentions and deep inner wisdom and my wide variety of proven personal and professional tools will allow you eliminate blocks and uncover hidden resources for achieving successes in personal and professional life. I have worked with individuals, entire families and groups to achieve better relationships, success in all kinds of endeavors, and overall well-being.
Special Needs
Trusted and sought after worldwide by individuals, families, and to teach professionals. I have many years of service working with learning challenges and more severe developmental disabilities. This physically-based work focuses primarily on brain/body based and sub-cortical training using MNRI (Masgutova Method)®, Brain Gym®, and Waldorf Curative Education.
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Sharon’s Dragonfly Totem
Like the dragonfly, I have continuously shed smaller versions of myself to grow bigger. Dragonfly vision is almost 360 degrees and uses multiple lenses, seeing a vast array of colors beyond the norm. Similarly, multiple dimensions are open to me and I see many things that others cannot.